Team Building Blog

A blog about team building events in the UK and further afield in Europe.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Parmesan Job

The Parmesan Job is one of our most popular premium events. It's a themed event based on the classic film The Italian Job and at the end of it teams get to blow the doors off a white van to get to the gold bars. Each team is given a Mini for the day which they get to drive for themselves. We can hire as many of these as are needed for an event, the record being more than 20 on one day; that was fun.

We've just taken delivery of our own Mini Cooper. This will be used on the events and also in promotions. We had one on our stand at an exhibition and that really attracted attention. The things the team here is really interested in is borrowing it for the weekend when it's not in use. They're great little cars and the Cooper really has oomph.

Monday, October 22, 2007

When team building gets a bad name

Police were called to a mass brawl on a Dieppe to Newhaven ferry between 25 passengers which started as an argument over which team (Arsenal or Chelsea) would win the football league. The news report, which has featured in most of the national papers during the past week, went on to gleefully state that the group were on a team building day out.

It's easy to see why the media would revel in this story so much. There is a inescapable irony in a team building event resulting in drunken fisticuffs.

The reality is that the purpose of the event was defeated by too much booze. It happens all the time and you just can't get it through to some clients. A little alcohol is a social lubricant and can be great for bonding, but too much and it often gets out of hand. People say things they regret or don't mean - I don't think that the old adage In Vino Veritas holds true. You tend to get a sort of extreme thruth; thoughts you wouldn't usually express because they are unmitigated.

So, if you're planning a team building event bear this in mind. In Vino Big Trouble.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Hello 2007

We've undertaken our most significant marketing activity to date with a quarter page advert booked in The Business Magazine every week for 52 weeks. James Coakes buys and sells internet domain names as well as using them for our own marketing strategy and he happened to have, purchased from the receivers of a bust company.

The advert is a swap and it has lead to a significant increase in traffic to our website, particularly from London and the EC1 city area where many of the companies with a budget for events are based. We're now busily brainstorming new ideas for the year ahead. Ours are sophisticated clients and they need creative new ideas. Quad bikes, clay shooting and archery are all very well but clients increasingly say they've done it all before and want something different.

This, combined with the launch of our brand new brochure at Confex later this month, will mean a big marketing push forward. Details of the new events for 2007 will follow shortly.