Team Building Blog

A blog about team building events in the UK and further afield in Europe.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Team building and Sustainability

I was looking at an article covering a speech about sustainability given by the CEO of a global multi national. At around the same time I saw a company report from another blue chip company and the Chairman's statement was all about sustainability. It seems that it's the big trend in business at the moment.

Then I was thinking about team building events and how they fit with sustainability. If the CEO is saying that nothing is more important than sustainability but then the next day a group of the company's executives is burning around a field on quad bikes, leaving a scar on the land that will take months to heal, then you wouldn't be completely out of order pointing out the hypocrisy. Words are important, but actions speak louder than words.

The sustainability issue is going to start to impact on the sort of team building events that corporate clients choose. Quad bikes and tanks will be out, Community Projects will be in. Speedboats will be out in favour of sailing.

Team building providers are often small businesses who do not necessarily listen to the things that large corporates say are important. However, the industry needs to change and become more environmentally focussed. The corporate client is a very sophisticated entity and the days of petrol heads yahooing around a field will soon be over.

Progressive Resources has a wide variety of sustainable team building events.